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Skipper Slaven Gulin - Yacht Master - SSI & pro. Diver


Year of birth: 1974.
Nationality: Croatian
Languages: Croatian & English Fluent, German & Italian passive, (Learning Russian)

Qualifications: Yacht Master up to 100 GT (commercial)

- Life Guard at Sea (ILS certificate)
- Diver SSI & Croatian proffessional working diver licence

University education:
Bac. traff. ing. (Bachelor) in field of Telecommunication techniques - studied at University of Zagreb

Technical High school / field of Electro technique /Electronics/Automatics

- Experience with large number of different sailing and motor yachts...
(Sailed with many types of sailing yachts as Beneteau, Jeanneau, Bavaria, Elan, Dufour Gib Sea, Lagoon, Fountain Pajot, Elan, Nautitech, Robertson & Caine - Leopard catamarans...
Mira, Azimut, Carver, Galeon, De la Pieta, Ferretti and other motor yachts as a Skipper)
- standard routes Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Spain…

17 files, last one added on Jan 15, 2016, 3 linked files, 20 files total
Album viewed 823 times

Skipper Goran Čeko - Yachtmaster - Diver


Year of birth: 1981.
Nationality: Croatian
Languages: English, German, Russian

- Ship Master up to 500 GT
- Yacht Master up to 500 GT
Rank: - OOW unlimited , (STCW)

Health Status: Excellent

Driving License: Full
Manager experience/Team leader: Yes

5 files, last one added on Jul 06, 2015
Album viewed 198 times

Skipper Vedran Matana - Yacht Master 500GT - CMAS Diver


Year of birth: 1976
Nationality: Croatian
Languages: Croatian, Engish, Italian

Yacht Master 500 GT
RYA yachtmaster offshore
CMAS diving instructor licence

- 10 years of experience at Mediterranean and Black Sea in navigation on yachts

- Master's degree Maritime studies

No tatoos, no smoker
Married, two beautifull kids

1 files, last one added on Jul 06, 2015
Album viewed 230 times

Hostess Romana Kajp


Born in 1982. in Zagreb
Languages: Croatian, English & German

2007. – graduated at School of Design / Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb

From 2003. as hostess/stewardess working during summer season on motor yachts ssuch as Sunseeker Manhattan 64, Predator 58 , sailing yachts Bavaria 50,.. and catamarans Lagoon 420, 440...

For detailed CV and booking send us an e-mail or call our representative.

3 files, last one added on Mar 23, 2008
Album viewed 416 times

Skipper Šime Jurlin - Master of a Ship - Yacht Master


Šime (Sime) is born in Sibenik (Croatia) 1955.
Natinality: Croatian
Lagnguages: Croatian, English, Italian - fluent

- Seamanship Engineer (Bachelor) graduated at University of Split (Croatia) 1977.
- Master of a Ship of 3.000 GT or more
- Master of a Ship up to 3.000 GT
- Chief Engineer Officer on a Ship powered by the main propulsion machinery of less than 350kW

Experience with sailing and motor boats as a delivery skipper
3 years Owner and Capitan of wooden tourist excursion vessel (75persons) 99 GT
15 years of oceangoing navigation as a Deck Officer and as a Capitan on Oceangoing merchandise vessels

3 files, last one added on Feb 06, 2008
Album viewed 222 times

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